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About Rivendell Web Broadcast

Rivendell Web Broadcast is at self hosting tool to manage Rivendell Radio Automation over the internet.

This tool is not developed by the developers for Rivendell Radio Automation.

How project started

This system started by Andreas Olsson, working on a local organization radio station in Sweden. The lack of using vpn and not an easy way of doing voice tracking, and manage other stuff.

After looking around the world wide web, there was an old script, created by Brian McGlynn but it uses old php version so it needed to be fix to work with todays php version.

Andreas is an learn thru google search programmer, and likes to learn. And also spends to much time on the computer (if you ask his girlfriend).

He fixed the most bugs, so it can be used for voice tracking. But he needed more and more today looking design. So he started to work on Rivendell Web Broadcast.

What is Rivendell Web System

Rivendell Web System is an tool to manage the most parts of Rivendell Radio Automation, it must be installed on the same machine as a Rivendell host is.

It uses the API that Rivendell has, but it's missing many functions so many parts of this web system works directly to Rivendell database.

What you need to know

This system is still under heavy develop and can contain bugs, function that do not work, parts that not has built in yet, so it's not recommended to use it on live production machine. Test it out first.