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Screenshot Manage your RDAirPlay application here.

Add Message


You can set a message in RDAirPlay message window as it has sins version 4.2.0 support for url messages.

Write your message in the window (you can use HTML codes). You can check the check box to update the message right away to your RDAirPlay host.


You need to have set a correct IPV4 IP Address for the update to work on your hosts.

Set the url

To set RDAirPlay to display that message, you need to send a macro command to it. The following command is used to display your message:



Replace with your address to Rivendell Web Broadcast and thehostname with the hostname where your RDAirPlay is on. The ! is needed at the end.

Edit RDAirPlay


You can set your RDAirPlay settings when you press the yellow button with an pen on it. Not every settings is possible to set.