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Users are the users that are in rivendell and there are both rivendell settings here for users and also settings for this system.


Settings for this web system are not stored in rivendells database. It is stored in the json settings file on the server.

Add User


By pressing the add user button you can add a new user to rivendell.

You need to set at least:

  • Username
  • Full Name
  • Email
  • Group Permissions
  • Service Permissions


You don't set any password, it will be generated and send out to mail to the new user.

Edit User


Here can you set the user profile data and also admin rights. You need to set Give admin rights to yes to be able to set other admin options.

If the user only have Give admin rights it will only see the admin dashboard.

Edit Rivendell Rights


This section allows you to set the rights in rivendell. It will affect both in the web system and also in rivendell software.

Group & Service Permissions


This part will allows you to set the group and service permission for this user in rivendell.

Remove user

You can remove a user by pressing the red button with an X on it. It will remove the user from rivendell system.


You can not remove your self as a security function.